General Information

  • Year Company was founded: Dec.,2003   
  • Booked Place: Qingdao 
  • Booked CapitaL: 4 million RMB
  • Legal representative: Linqi
  • Legal type of organization: Sole Proprietorship, Limited Liability
  • Major industries served: Plastic injection moulds, Stamping dies, Progressive dies, Injection molding, Punching production.
  • Main industries: Home Appliance, Auto Parts,  Electronics,etc
  • Factory Facility:   5 Million USD
 Number of Employees  200
 Full-time Employees  195
 Temp. Employees  5
 Manufacturing Work Force  130
 Skilled vs. Unskilled  5:1
 Industrial/Manufacturing Engineers  12
 Quality Assurance Inspectors  195
 Quality Engineers  6
 Design Engineers  18
 Supervisors/Managers  8
 People get CET-4 certification  10
 People get CET-6 certification  5
 Supervisors/Managers  8
 Days/Shifts/Hours worked

 6 days per week, two twelve-hour     shift(Stamping production Dept, CNC,EDM),others 8 hours per day.


 Main  customers  Haier, Hisense, Aucma, Sanyo, Midea,KIA, HYUNDAI, Sekisui, DAB, Siemens, Allit,Sumino,Toyota
 Ship-to states or countries Germany,Japan, US, Canada, France , Russia,India,Chile, Brazil, Argentina,South Africa, etc. more than 30 countries